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  Zhang Weiming impression Gu Shen     3星级
Zhang Weiming impression Gu Shen
Gu Shen China art research institute chief, doctor theresearcher (professor) fine arts theory doctor graduate studentteacher
[ Author:Gu Shen     Origin:Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming website     Clicks on the number:5717     Renewal time:2007-10-10     Article input:Admin
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 I only have the one sphere of interaction with Zhang Weiming. That isin at the beginning of May, 1999, our China art research institutecalligraphy and painting training department conducts an issue ofnational calligraphy and painting training class in Taishan. Whentraining class quick conclusion, some time goes 岱庙 meets by chanceopen great is well-versed in the classics Lu Wenhou to introduce theknowledge is the local Taishan art academy's painter, latter ZhangWeiming our several people have the approximately gone to his familyto sit. Everybody has a look the picture to illuminate, chats the day,the atmosphere is harmonious but with. Has many sceneries painter inTai'an to draw Taishan, but can not be many Taishan picture good.Zhang Weiming also draws Taishan, the work has own very muchindividuality, may calculate in the Tai'an painter outstanding.

In the conversation, he directly proposed wants me to his workproposes the view. I only to saw from the work picture has asked aquestion: Mr. Li Keran said he draws the scenery is sets up thebiography for the mountains and rivers, what type biography do youdraw Taishan to have to stand like a mountain for Thai? In otherwords, you thought what type Taishan does manifest one kind of thespirit? He replies me: Some student wrote an article to discuss toHuangshan Mountain and Taishan's feelings, said Huangshan Mountainfilled the air of scholarly refinement but Taishan to fill the king tobe mad. From this reply, I understood Zhang Weiming picture Taishan,is must pursue one kind to rule the world the style. But the questionhas not certainly terminated. The king certainly is not one kind ofsole pattern, also has Chin Shihhuang, Martial emperor of Han dynastythis kind 雄强, also has Li Houzhu, Emperor Huizong in Song dynastythis kind honors Wen Erwang country's, but also has enlightened,loose, is dissolute, is idle, and so on. Speaking of Taishan's view,both has 雄强, and has charmings; Both has the rough-manneredstraight dew, and has mystically abstruse. Suspends in front ofpainter's Taishan, has all sorts of choices. If Zhang Weiming reallymust the Taishan picture compared to the king, I suspect he can electthe elegant kind of king, is at most both has the person withoutstanding ability and grand vision and can strike promotes the flutefrom 度曲 Emperor Xuanzong in Tanh dynasty Li Longji. Indeed, inZhang Weiming Taishan picture, he pursues is one kind of handsomestyle. He not merely draws Taishan the peaks and ridges, also drawsthe piedmont the sandbank, the rural cottage, others. Revering of thefive mountains in his writing, besides male wonderfully with 耸拔,but also has the thick mountain 野气 and 人间烟火 the taste.This conforms to his personality but actually very much. Zhang Weiminglikes discussing releases, discusses "Is easy" also among the depth.Because of this, he cannot pursue the tyrant fierce picture wind andtyrant's fierce picture boundary constantly but can more pursue onekind of nature, the fresh boundary. From his pictures topic is "Pureland", "Calms the mind", "Village Hides Chart", "晨钟暮鼓 3,000"and so on the work, extremely clearly had indicated he is pursuing onekind to be far away the hubbub, the body melts the good fortune theboundary. Certainly, I say am at present Zhang Weiming. He is alsoyoung, but also has very long Lu Yaozou. From now on he definitelywill be able the political reform, but will change in any event, itsfoundation will be the tutelage (technique tutelage and theorytutelage). Ancient cloud: " The book thousand axes may not thelanguage; The article hundred generations may not know change. "(The Tang Huangfu is: "Edict Blood") said is this truth. Zhang Weiminggood studies, he if desires changes, I among believed he cannot beblind but can have the certain law or the way appears intermittently.

Gu Shen on March 1, 2000 to Beijing

Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming is creating the Taishan picture



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