Taishan says regarding Zhang Weiming, not merely is already a visualsensation object, simultaneously also in a non- geography implicationposition and grid reference. Said from more the in-depth angle that,Taishan is in a cultural psychology significance direction marking -in this significance, any comes from to be unusual, the scenery 旎旖 mountains and rivers to the scenery is unable with it side-by-sidetheory. In Zhang Weiming is a growth the painter which embraces in Taishan.His good-natured vision and is sharp 笔锋 at the same time 晦mutually converses with Taishan's wind and rain eyeball. Alone charmTaishan theme landscape painting he accomplishes which in thisprocess, as early as has obtained the magnificent praise in the 80'sintermediate stages. But I experience the feeling is: In 1997 thesecond month of Autumn, I received from to "the national fine artstheory seminar" organization committee's invitation, went to Yangchowto attend this bonus to have cultural history meaning the grandmeeting. At that time invited in the letter besides the conventioncenter subject which marked, but also some special mission. Let mereplace organizes the province area to have the academic significancethe painter work, at the meeting must conduct "the contemporaryimportant artist fine arts work to observe and emulate to unfold". Inthe extremely limited quota of people, I choose Zhang Weiming to takean important case. Its important reason is, Zhang Weiming in Chineselandscape painting modern language reforming, already was doing theextremely effective exploration work. As a Chinese present age art researcher and the critic, I resist thecontemporary culture regarding that kind by the region characteristicto invade dyeing, often dominates one kind of instinct to shieldsentences the manner, thought this is the superficiality but thebureau pass procedure. At the same time, multiplies "collectiveunconsciousness" in this kind in the scheme fertile soil, the artistindividual talent, can obtain in the greatest degree without doubt thecamouflage with to bury. But, regarding Zhang Weiming, I actuallycertainly regards it it is "the Taishan towerman", but here keepswatch has the multiple meaning without doubt: Keeps watch humanity'sculture in Taishan; Keeps watch Taishan's spirit in the Chineseculture wisdom basic point; Keeps watch the Taishan recklessly smokecloud during the social turbulence; In Taishan's good-natured visualbosom, keeps watch the fine arts history performance logic. If is, Zhang Weiming drawing is like this in the contemporarylandscape painting possibility, has carried on the unremittingexploration. Moreover more more importantly, Zhang Weiming in uses ownexperience background with to make in the new background, is as beforehas an unconventional idea but the unconventional appeal to come up ingreat numbers and from all sides. In the contemporary society, eachperson has had "the aviation" the experience already insufficient foris perhaps wonderful, but Zhang Weiming that has made pilot's personalhistory, also naturally accidentally the experience transforms thatclassification person as the necessity viewpoint. But these viewpointsonce enter to in the landscape painting sight, also can appear thenatural uniqueness. Macroscopic compares with this kind of bird's eye view, was ZhangWeiming once several dozens day-long sleeps outside in the Taishaninternal organs the experience. In this stage, he has had geologist'sclassified manner, recognizes in the scientific significance the rocklayer skeleton. This kind of microscopic analysis and compared, enablehim to obtain in the Taishan geology reality, simultaneously also wasin the visual abstract conclusion. What but all these differencesreflected is Taishan's three-dimensional disposition - or called it isZhang Weiming in the spirit "is real". Remake this macroscopic experience and the microscopic experience冶铸 is comes from in the cultural support. In this aspect ZhangWeiming it may be said is swallows anything and everythinguncritically. Arranges his knowledge background in this to appearwithout doubt unnecessarily. I want to prompt a fact is, Zhang Weimingregarding "imperial sacrifices" the experience not merely is one kind"infatuateds", has from to science experiencing dangers, in here, theconclusion already no longer was important, its in-depth significancelay in obtained sincerely "the humanities" the background - no matterwere any type knowledge, so long as regarding the understandingnaturally were one kind "the wisdom", Zhang Weiming absolutely couldnot repel. Kept watch Taishan and Taishan keeps watch has formed the ZhangWeiming dual viewpoint, in this double image interweaving, hadguaranteed his art history was solid continuously, I thought hemaintained this kind of superposition the significance to lie in, inthe after modern cultural scene, it could transform as before for isone kind of happy concern, thus enabled Zhang Weiming to be ableunceasingly to aim at the new creative region. Zhang qiang 2000.3.1 Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming is creating the Taishan picture |