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  About imperial sacrifices picture    3星级
About imperial sacrifices picture
Zhang Weiming
[ Author:Zhang Weiming     Origin:Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming website     Clicks on the number:5267     Renewal time:2007-10-18     Article input:Admin
【Typeface: 字体颜色

 Bamboo: " Some question wants to consult to you: Meditatesaccording to your many years grasps principles 行持, draws theimperial sacrifices picture to work as is the easy matter, hasn't seenwhy your this aspect the painting? ... "

Zhang Weiming: Has drawn, imperial sacrifices - - - - imperialsacrifices picture - - - picture
Colorless - - - - - - is colored
Non- picture non- imperial sacrifices
Really is, a little likes " Namely wants to set up thememorial arch, also wants to work as * sub- " The result is,Is not the donkey is not the horse......

To the picture meditates; When difference imperial sacrifices,looked the mountain is a mountain, looked the water is the water
Has to the imperial sacrifices when becomes aware, looked the mountainis not a mountain, looked the water is not the water
In the imperial sacrifices understands completely, looked the mountainstill is a mountain, looked the water still was the water
Just so-called: The color not different is spatial, the spatial notdifferent color........ as soon as spend a Tathagata, He Shanhe thehydro energy to leave the imperial sacrifices......

Note: The bamboo, is "Letter", "Sense Feels emotion" themagazine editor

"Pure land" traditional Chinese painting  Zhang Weiming picture


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