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  The phoenix forum/investment manages finances/the on-line commentary    3星级
The phoenix forum/investment manages finances/the on-line commentary
Has the poem cloud
[ Author:Small buttocks     Origin:The phoenix forum/investment manages finances     Clicks on the number:5180     Renewal time:2007-10-20     Article input:Admin
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Ancient and modern collection speech guide

Is corrupt not saves precious tires of the money

Open the great bright mirror Taishan picture

Nature smooth fable


Taishan sunrise traditional Chinese painting

The red rhyme throws oneself floats the light to sprinkle

Tall feather Shi Chengzhang great is bright

Loose wing even second grade spring merit

Traditional Chinese painting Taishan grand appearance

Water seepage righteousness green management

Ridge Zhang Weiming li Qingzhi

The colored sign turns white a dragon

Zhang Weiming Chinese landscape painting



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    版权所有: Copyright©2006-2010 泰山画家张伟明Aspoo.Cn .All Rights Reserved
    本站备案: 鲁ICP备05019955号-1 泰山画家张伟明网站: http://www.mt-art.com
    技术支持:  王  伟  QQ:  6 0 6 6 5 1        张 莫 art107@163.com
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    联系画家张伟明 QQ:3 3 1 6 0 8 2 6   art7777@163.net  art7777@sina.com