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  Taishan artist Zhang Weiming the duty station Taishan art academyintroduces     3星级
Taishan artist Zhang Weiming the duty station Taishan art academyintroduces
- - Chinese Shandong Province Tai'an Taishan art academy
[ Author:Artist     Origin:Home station Original work     Clicks on the number:7209     Renewal time:2007-10-8     Article input:Admin
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 The Taishan art academy [ government art academy ] is located underthe renowned at home and abroad peaceful foot of a hill, is thecalligraphy and painting specialized creation which the Tai'anpeople's government row arranges studies and conducts the artisticdisplay, the training great artist, active the and so on developmentforeign art exchange county level cultural establishment unitSupposes the creation display branch, the training branch, outside theassociation branch and the office

The Taishan art academy painter overall strength is abundant, has PangZidong, the slaughter country beautiful jade, Yang Shaolu, Liu Diange,Ke Daxian, Qi Jintian and so on the old generation of painter, hasZhang Weiming, Ke Rushan, Mr. Liu Xiao, secure Lian Ren, Liu Jiandong,Jia Rongzhi, east Feng Xiaodong, the enmity and so on the richcreation strength Chinese youth painter Orthometric height title 5person, vice- high title 7 person, intermediate title 3 people; TheChinese America cooperates the member 5 person, the province beautifulassociation member 7 people The art academy many times with Japan,Singapore, US, Canada, South Korea and so on as well as Hong Kong,Guilin, 哲里木, Tianshui, Leshan and so on the domestic and foreigncalligraphies and paintings specialized unit develops the calligraphyand painting to hand over the activity

The Taishan art academy drawing class is complete, has the traditionalChinese painting, the oil painting, the gouache, the watercolorpainting, and so on the diverse picture plants, many painters haveattended the nationwide fine arts art show and win an award, thepartial painters have held the art exhibition many times, and evenoverseas all has a more tremendous influence in the nation

The Taishan art academy's painter grow under the peaceful foot of ahill, Taishan for them by the profound cultural inspiration andnatural good fortune gradually influencing, caused them to create manyhad the Taishan style the strength to do, "the Chinese Taishan Picturescroll" Chinese calligrapher President the Shen Peng topic haspersonally written the picture topic by the Taishan art academyspecialized painter and the social concurrent job painter 40 creationstake Taishan as the subject hundred meters, The plan Shandong buildingTaishan hall large-scale mural "the Taishan Grand appearance" ZhangWeiming makes, "the Taishan Four Scenery" Du Weiguo does, "OpensClears the way for the emperor's passage 回銮 Chart" Ke Rushan, FengXiaodong makes "Big Article Mouth 陶文" Liu Jiandong, Liu Tao and soon does, and outside the day the village square giant relief "TaishanAncient rite of making sacrifices Chart" Yang Shaolu, Ke Rushan, ZhangWeiming, Liu Jiandong designs, broad in scale, with overpoweringmomentum, receives the domestic and foreign fine arts high praise.

The Taishan art academy because the result is prominent, in 2000 byMinistry of Culture, the national human resources department isawarded "the national culture advanced group" the title (to attainwith session "national culture advanced group" the title fine artsclass only to have the Chinese America courtyard and Taishan artacademy two).

In the mountain water seepage becomes an official chart/Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming the landscape painting work traditional Chinesepainting

Annotate 1:
In 1988 by Tai'an art center fine arts group Pang Zidong, theslaughter country beautiful jade, Liu Diange, Ke Daxian, Zhang Weimingfive painters organized Taishan art academy Pang Zidong to beappointed chief

In 1991 the Taishan art academy rose by the branch levelinstitution for county level institution Li Hong Chunren Chair

Successively holds chief; Pang Zidong (branch level artacademy) Li Hong spring

Successively holds vice-president; Pang Zidong, the slaughtercountry beautiful jade, Yang Shaolu, Zhou Hedong, Qi Jintian, ZhangWeiming, Wang Qiu lives, Jiang Shiping

Incumbent vice-president; Wang Qiu lives (management work)

Incumbent vice-president; Zhang Weiming (service chief)

Incumbent vice-president; Jiang Shiping (administrativechief)

Incumbent vice-president; Ke Rushan (service chief)

The Taishan art academy specialized painter (containstransferred does not contain social concurrent job painter); PangZidong, slaughter country beautiful jade, Liu Diange, Ke Daxian, ZhangWeiming, Yang Shaolu, Qi Jintian, Ke Rushan,

Mr. Liu Xiao, Feng Xiaodong, Huang Ke, Liu Tao, Zhao Qiang,secure Lian Ren, Liu Jiandong, Shen Wentai, east Jia Rongzhi, enmity

The Taishan art academy administrative personnel (containstransferred); Wu Fengji, the Zhao hill, Zhang Ximeng, Li Li, the clockbring peace and order to the nation, Zhu Liangfu, Wang Yicun, TanZhanle, Wang Qiu lives, Jiang Shiping

[ Above since has constructed courtyard for the Taishan artacademy completely in office personnel ]

Place: Chinese Taishan

[ Above material 2007.1 inputs

Clear farsighted plans/Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming landscapepainting work traditional Chinese painting


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