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  Artist Zhang Weiming art resources condition     3星级
Artist Zhang Weiming art resources condition
[ Author:Admin     Origin:Home station Original work     Clicks on the number:5269     Renewal time:2007-10-8     Article input:Admin
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            Zhang Weiming: The surname open, great bright: Pen name: The secondgrade spring in 1958 had been born in Taishan, the ancestral home islocated Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan three provinces 交界处, according tocarried Da Yu once to regulate waterways to this.

Ancestral home: South, west two sides are near Yellow River, northaccording to the Zhongtiao arteries, the county seat has the Yunglopalace, among them the ancient times mural mayed be called in theChinese fine arts history one certainly. Great clearly returns to whenthe native place profits significantly.

Place of birth: Taishan, mays be called head of the five mountains,the humanities landscape and the natural landscape lives together thebody. In 1988 is included by the United Nations UNESCO: "World natureand cultural heritage". Great bright fortunately is born, the growthin here, receives it to gradually influence since childhood.

Goes to school when: The family lived under Taishan 岱庙 theseparation of one wall place, 岱庙 in outside the divisor endlessstele and the temple, still had many copals, the different floweredwonderful wood, the bird and so on, when had the painter to draw fromnature in here. Thereupon is since then great clearly then starts withteacher to study the picture to come!

Enlistment flight: Enters the air force aeronautical institute tostudy the flight, first in within the boundaries of the Mount TaihangYu Mai Hebei Baoding, latter transfers to Yunnan's Qujing, occupiesoverflows, places such as Lu Liang. Grows since childhood in the northgreat bright first time to the south, the scenery change is reallybig. From the place to the space, the visual feeling has been moredissimilar, not only is sits on the airplane, moreover is flying theairplane. Flutters in particular in the cloud, is suddenly expensive,the Sichuan sky looks at "the seat" the under mountain big water.Great clearly starts the changing study landscape painting.

Results in the water chart [ one ] traditional Chinesepainting/Taishan Artist Zhang Weiming the landscape painting worktraditional Chinese painting

Study tradition: Returns to Taishan from the army, does the fine artsorganization work in the cultural building, might use in to paintpictures the time to get up. Contacts each place to come the painterwhich Taishan draws from nature to be also many, in this stagecentralized energy study, often consults to the various famou***perts, and the centralism study ancient and modern picturediscusses, the historical treatise and so on.

Calls in the art center: Continues to do the fine arts organizationwork, regardless of also has been all stronger than from the time andthe condition the cultural building many, besides with culturalbuilding same place, egressed the exchange, the sketch, the studyopportunity also gets up. The funds is also ampler. In this period hasrun most China, but also specialized has specially taken advancedcourses in the Shandong Province art academy oil painting more thanyear of oil paintings. Also will be for the future better picture goodtraditional Chinese painting, the oil painting specialty which butspecially will choose.

Tenable art academy: Great clearly with art center fine arts group'sMr. Pang Zidong, slaughter country beautiful jade gentleman, tan oakimmortal gentleman, Mr. Liu Diange four seniors with altogether foundsthe Taishan art academy. By is engaged in the fine arts organizationwork to transfer the drawing specialized research and the creation.Massive publications work. Widely increased the various tutelage.

Middle age: Great 明人 arrives the middle age, on has old, under hassmall, but also the promising occupation and the survival rice bowlworried at times. Some matters are not willing from the innermostfeelings to struggle, but do not struggle not good, this as if is thelife, is an art.

Review: Great clearly since arrives the cultural building officiallyto be engaged in the fine arts specialty, until now some 30, hassuccessively promoted for the embassy personnel, the Shandong Provinceartist association members, vice- studies the embassy personnel, theShandong art academy concurrent job artist, the Taishan art academycreates room director, studies the embassy personnel (a national levelof fine arts teachers professor), vice-president (responsible artacademy service), the Shandong Province art academy senior artists,the Shandong Province celebrity 促进会 calligraphy and paintingcommittee committee and so on.

○ Zhang Weiming the round childhood has wanted to have painter'sdream, only then realized to only makes the painter level very lowly,very vulgar (picture vulgar, person is vulgar) only is paintspictures, starts to the writer painter, the scholar painter... ...Unceasingly is consummating... ... .


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